Star Credit Application
The STAR program can save homeowners hundreds of dollars each year. You only need to register once, and the Tax Department will send you a STAR credit check each year, as long as you’re eligible.
To qualify for the STAR credit:
●A new homeowner;
●Receiving the STAR exemption but want to switch to the STAR credit;
●An existing homeowner who is not receiving the STAR exemption or credit; or
●A senior who may be eligible for the Enhanced STAR credit. (Note: If you are already receiving the STAR credit, you do not need to register again. You will automatically receive the Enhanced STAR credit if you are eligible.)
When should I register?
Newgent will send you the link to register upon closing on your home with us. Our team members will guide you through the process of your eligibility for the star credit.
We will work with you to help you check on your delivery schedule in your area for updated information on when the city will begin to issue checks or credits in your area.
Why Newgent?
We provide you with the tools necessary to cover all the bases for your new home. Since this process is done once, it is important to have it done when you become a new homeowner. This is included in our process and you will be able to check it off on your todo list when you buy one of our units